“In post-pandemic dating, it’s all about the extremes”, says Nicole Moore

Many people have never longed for love or the urgency to find a partner and be ready for a long-term serious relationship until the pandemic.

Though many have gone back to the pre-pandemic dating activities, it’s foreseeable that dating may have changed forever and some people are still anxious to get back into the regular dating scene. A lot of hope was lost, some even quoted that it’s like a slow-paced and no progress era. Hence, dating apps are on the rise and a lot of people are trying online dating for the first time. Given the need to socialize, there’s a mad rush to connect with each other through virtual romance.

“In post-pandemic dating, it’s all about the extremes. People are typically falling into one of two camps. Either they want to be wild and free, hooking up and not attached to anyone because they’ve been stuck inside for a year and just want to have fun.  Or, they’re super focused on getting into a serious relationship,” says Celebrity Love & Relationship Coach Nicole Moore. “The pandemic has served to really put a focus on true desires and living a life that reflects what you really want.  Those who were craving a relationship before the pandemic happened are even more serious about finding the right partner now and we’re going to see a rise in committed relationships post-pandemic for sure. To attend to and create a healthy relationship it all starts within.  Generally, it’s difficult to have a healthy relationship if you’re unaware of your emotional triggers and fears. Taking the time to uncover the fears you have about dating and relationships and healing them will help you be the best possible partner and help you attract someone who approach relationships with the kindness and maturity that they deserve”.

According to Kinsey Institute report, some singles are making more of an effort to put themselves out there, while some existing couples have grown closer through the crisis. Single people are seeking meaningful connections or a steady partner rather than casual and non-intentional dating. It’s agreeable that this pandemic has forced us all to focus more on developing into the best version of ourselves and be mindful about the approach to dating before we can settle down with someone else. Henceforth, people have become more truthful and intentional about who they are, what they want and has stopped chasing people who don’t want the same things nor share the same values.

In Hindsight, the dating scenario seems like it’s going to be fascinating as more people are opening up to the new normal. To get a notion of what people are looking for in a relationship post-lock down, Jujulum asked a few people about how the pandemic changed their outlook on dating and what their relationship goals are long-term. Here’s what they had to say.

Kim, 26, Singapore
My approach to dating is now more about giving each other space to grow and as an individual accept and giving respect to each other’s personal choices. A relationship goal for me is when two individuals comfortably live together and share big and small joys of life. It doesn’t necessarily need to be labelled.

Anonymous, 35, Manipur

As far as dating during a pandemic is concerned, I’m not really sure if I would be the right person to talk about it since I haven’t been dating for a while. And as for the relationship goals, I don’t have many expectations as long as the couples understand and respect each other.

Pooja, 25, New Delhi
The empty time in my days after doing everything on my per day to-do list left me wanting for something, Someone. I also made myself realise the endless possibilities. So when I had the time to feel empty, I utilised it in being fully myself. I indulged in new interests, adopted some new hobbies, found myself good at things I didn’t know I could do before. So, in future, I’ll be open to dating opportunities. But more than that I intend on focusing on myself and how to better utilise my time, my days. I have known and felt the need of me > other things.

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